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To: lightwave@webcom.com
Subject: Re: Subdivison in 4.0
Lines: 24
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 95 12:34:50 PDT
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>Just a suggestion vaguely guised as a question... Will subdivide in 4.0 have
>the ability to be limited by axis. By this I mean will it be possible for
>me to subdivide along the X, Y, or Z axis only, instead of upon all the axis
>of a polygon?
>For example when I create a cylinder that is half a meter across and two
>meters tall with one segment, it would be nice if I could subdivide along
>the Y axis solely and in a sense increase the number of segments. This
>would be particulary helpful in subdividing tall logo and text objects for
>displacement mapping.
For this you can just use Boolean SLICE, which gives you axis control.